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Sports Life Coaching Mental Health & Wellness Certificate
Eating Disorders in Sport
A Wellbeing Approach to Eating Disorders (2:12)
Categories of Eating Disorders (2:50)
Eating Disorders & Control (0:46)
Eating Disorder Performance Barriers (2:10)
Positive Messaging about Fueling for Athletes (1:52)
Mental Health in Sport (0:32)
Measuring Mental Health for Athletes (1:06)
Healthy Coping Strategies for Athletes (1:39)
Reframing Eating Disorders and Navigating Through Change with the Power of Team (2:20)
Eating Disorders & Identity (2:08)
Identity Management (2:03)
Screening for Eating Disorders in Sport (1:32)
10 Talks Conversation - Eating Disorders in Sport
Tool Card
MeQ® Skill: Change (2:57)
Quiz #1
Performance Anxiety, The Yips, and Superstitions
What is Performance Anxiety? (1:17)
Reframing Anxiety (0:45)
Winning Strategies for Performance Anxiety (1:57)
Winning Strategies for Anxiety (1:49)
Breathwork to Calm Anxiety (2:19)
Anxiety 2 Action (3:20)
Superstitions & Performance (1:55)
Pre-Performance Routines vs. Superstitions (1:03)
The Yips (1:55)
Overcoming the Yips (1:22)
Competitive Greatness (1:52)
Tools for Competitive Greatness (0:54)
Energy Management (49:17)
Energy Management & Optimal Arousal Levels (1:33)
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (1:51)
Growth vs. Fixed Mindset (1:20)
10 Talks Conversation - Performance Anxiety, The Yips, and Superstitions
Tool Card
MeQ® Skill: Change (5:20)
Quiz #2
Depression in Athletes
Red Flags for Depression (1:26)
Depressive Episodes (0:58)
Recognizing Depression (2:46)
Treatment for Depression (2:53)
Socialization (1:11)
Medicating for Depression (0:54)
Recovering from Depression (2:06)
Perspective After Depression (1:13)
Athlete Retirement & Depression (0:57)
3D Life Model (5:43)
B4U (1:55)
Burnout (2:04)
Feel the Pain (3:39)
Self-Determination Theory (0:54)
10 Talks Conversation - Depression in Athletes
Tool Card
Conversations (40:30)
MeQ® Skill: Change (3:29)
Quiz #3
Athletic Identity, Injury, Retirement and Transition Out of Sport
Identity Management During Transition Out of Sport (2:36)
Identity Management (1:29)
Winning Strategies for Athlete 2 Career Transition (2:37)
Transition (4:47)
Seasons (2:23)
Transferable Skills (0:54)
Coping During Athlete 2 Next (1:21)
Grief During Transition 2 Next (1:46)
Grief (11:16)
Athletes as ‘Workaholics’ (1:23)
10 Talks Conversation - Athletic Identity, Injury, Retirement, and Transition Out of Sport
Tool Card
MeQ® Skill: Change (0:23)
Quiz #4
Substance Abuse in Athletes
Why Substance Abuse in Athletes? (1:45)
Coping Mechanisms (1:09)
Recognizing Substance Abuse (1:45)
Types of Substances (2:48)
Winning Strategies (1:02)
Intentional Rituals & Routines (2:21)
Motivational Interviewing (2:14)
What Does Substance Abuse Do to Performance? (2:14)
Honor Your Truth (4:04)
10 Talks Conversation - Substance Abuse in Athletes
Tool Card
Quiz #5
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) (1:43)
The Difference Between OCD and OCPD (4:06)
Seeking Help From Loved Ones (1:10)
Performance Barriers (1:41)
Positive Self Talk (3:09)
10 Talks Conversation - Perfectionism
Tool Card
Conversations (34:42)
MeQ® Skill: Change (2:19)
Quiz #6
The Power of Team (2:09)
Relationships (1:07)
How 2 Foster Connection as a Coach (1:21)
Emotional Management (6:05)
Going to the Balcony (2:33)
Isolated 2 Inclusion (3:11)
Why Giving Hope is a Win-Win (2:11)
Gratitude (0:52)
How 2 Handle Unexpected Transition (1:53)
10 Talks Conversation - Loneliness
Tool Card
Conversations (23:07)
Quiz #7
Fear of Failure and Fear of Success
What is Fear? (0:58)
3 Ways to Address Fear (4:04)
Fear of Success (2:25)
Comfort Zone (1:22)
Fear 2 Fabulous (10:12)
Managing Failure While Respecting Your Support Team (1:59)
10 Talks Conversation - Fear
Tool Card
Quiz #8
Social Media & Wellbeing
The Impact of Social Media on Our Brains (2:06)
Social Media and COVID-19's Impact on Mental Health (2:27)
Social Media Usage and Mental Health (1:28)
Social Media & NIL (2:09)
Winning Strategies to Limit Social Media Consequences (1:51)
Rest & Recovery (9:29)
10 Moments & Stats (12:43)
Cardio (2:58)
Joy Breaks (4:43)
Playlist (2:32)
Celebrations (3:01)
How 2 Win Your Wellbeing (17:35)
10 Talks Conversation - Social Media & Wellbeing
Tool Card
Conversations (40:29)
Quiz #9
The Power of Mental Tools (1:30)
Practicing Intentionally (1:37)
How 2 Build Confidence in Your Players (1:44)
Alignment Between the Parent & Team (1:44)
Why is Change So Hard? (1:49)
Watch Your Film (3:19)
Cognitive Reappraisal (1:40)
10 Talks Conversation - Confidence
Tool Card
Conversations (1:57)
MeQ® Skill: Change (4:24)
Quiz #10
How 2 Recognize Concussion Symptoms (2:17)
Understanding Concussions and the Importance of Return-to-Play Protocols (2:37)
Concussion Management & Baseline Testing (2:44)
When In Doubt, Sit It Out (2:17)
Champions 4 Change (1:14)
Inspiration and Education (1:10)
10 Talks Conversation - Concussions
Tool Card
Quiz #11
How to Get Help
How to Ask For Help (1:40)
How to Sustain Hope Throughout Recovery (1:52)
How to Be a 10 Support Team (1:40)
The Power of Support Team (7:59)
Words of Wisdom for the Support Team (2:01)
Collaborative Approach to Working with Athletes (2:01)
High Achievers Asking for Help (2:38)
Call Your Life Play (4:42)
Serve & Support (28:40)
Levels of Listening (1:21)
Process-Oriented vs. Fixed-Oriented (1:15)
Hurt People, Hurt People (2:07)
10 Talks Conversation- How to Get Help
Tool Card
Conversations (4:43)
Quiz #12
Winning Strategies: How to Set Yourself Up For Success in Your Role
List of Resources & Support
Final Evaluation
Final Evaluation
10 Talks Conversation - Fear
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